The Artist

The artist is considered soft,

       but such is not so. 

The artist is fearless. 

For who else may willingly lay bare their 

       soul prone to 

consumption and critique 

by souls who would prefer to remain shrouded, 

and empty words 

reflecting the extent of their lacking  comprehension, 

          despite in earnest, some may try. 

The artist is fearless. 

We are the artists. 

Fearless are we.

—The Apex Analog

3 thoughts on “The Artist

      1. No, it isn’t a small feat. In fact, it’s a constant struggle. This past April, I published my autobiography, and though the process was cathartic it also opened up a whole new bout with the demons that plagued me.
        My goal is to enlighten others, and I hope to address our local high schools and community colleges. But, that is an extremely difficult thing to ask of myself, as I prefer isolation.


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